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May 05

Compliance with the complex rules regarding COBRA coverage can be difficult and mistakes can be costly. Penalties for non-compliance can include IRS excise taxes and ERISA statutory fines. This month's newsletter provides practical information and tips for avoiding these penalties and other risks, such as law-suits to compel coverage and adverse selection of COBRA coverage. read more

Apr 18

Health benefits is now a complex and changing landscape. Many ACA provisions came into effect January 1st 2014, while several have been delayed. To help you navigate through the growing number of implementations and requirements, we've put together a summary of important effective dates. Let it remind you what has been implemented and what are the forthcoming regulations, so that you can stay in compliance and make any relevant preparations in advance. read more

Uncompromising Integrity Since 1990

DiMartino Associates DiMartino Associates DiMartino Associates